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100% pure

Marine Phytoplankton

100 x 500mg  capsules


  • 100% Pure Freeze-Dried, Marine Phytoplankton - Organically Grown in the Netherlands - Not Irradiated
  • 100% Pure, No binders, fillers or carriers of any kind



Well, the future has arrived. From the oceans to modern day bio-reactor technology, marine phytoplankton has come a long way. After years of being overpriced, finally this ‘king of superfoods’ is accessible for all.

Marine phytoplankton is the one superfood that everybody should consume every day. And here’s why: according to Dr Mark Hyman, medical doctor and proponent of Functional Medicine,  approximately 99 percent of people are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids. This is a rather big deal because these healthy fats affect many parts of our biochemistry. In short they are essential to optimal body & brain health.


Phytoplankton provides us with these omega-3 fatty acids (EPA) and much more! It is the base of the food chain and therefore contains an impressive array of nutrients including  protein, chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, pigments, enzymes and trace elements.

Phytoplankton is an important food source for many marine animals and thanks to recent photobioreactor technology now available for humans. Phytoplankton provides fish with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA . With this new technology we can now skip one step in the food chain and we are no longer strictly dependent on fish or fish oil. This is good news for vegetarians or vegans, but also ensures a product free of contamination with a high bio-availibility.

Of the 40,000+ species of phytoplankton there are only a few fit for human consumption. Years of research by microbiologists and nutritionists has shown that one specific species distinguishes itself on the basis of its nutritional profile : Nannochloropsis Gaditana. This is the kind that is now grown in technologically advanced photo-bioreactors. Using natural sunlight and photosynthesis, the phytoplankton can grow freely without competition from other algae into the biomass that is eventually harvested and dried.


Bio Reactor Technology

The photo-bioreactor technology guarantees a very pure and safe product. Nutrients, CO2 and oxygen are continuously added to the reactors, so the algae get everyting they need for a perfect development.


Marine Phytoplankton expensive?

Up to now most available phytoplankton was grown in tubular photo-bioreactors which are expensive and can only yield small volumes. Subsequently consumer prices were skyhigh. Those days are over! Our phytoplankton is grown in the more traditional ‘open pond’ system, yet in a greenhouse environment. So technically the greenhouse itself becomes the photobioreactor where all growing parameters can be completely controlled, resulting in high quality algae  for a greatly reduced price.

Thus the time has come to start doing yourself and your loved ones the favour of providing the body & brain with the vital nutrients it needs. Now coming from a completely clean and sustainable source that will indeed revolutionize the future of nutrition


Pytoplankton is a rare and complete food source and provides the body with an array of  nutrients it needs for i.e. the production of healthy new cells and the production of neurotransmitters. Phytoplankton has analkaline pH and promotes optimal acidity of the body. This is one of the most critical factors for good health.


A quick summary of marine phytopklankton´s nutritional profile:

Complete protein (50%)

Chlorophyll EPA (healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids)

Phospholipids (which help the absorption of EPA and other omega 3 fatty acids)

Vitamins Minerals Pigments,

Beta-carotene and zeaxanthin Violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin (all potent antioxidants)

For maximum benefit use 3/4 gram or 6/8 capsules of 500 mg daily.


  • 100% Pure Freeze-Dried, Marine Phytoplankton
  • Organically Grown in the E.U. in a completely contained environment
  • Not Irradiated
  • 100% Pure, No binders, fillers or carriers of any kind

Organic Marine Phytoplankton freeze dried 100 capsules

$42.99 Regular Price
$40.84Sale Price
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